About Us
If you are interested in becoming part of Llandeilo Town Twinning Association, we'd love to hear from you.
We're a small and friendly group, with people from all walks of life. We have around 40 members, of all ages, currently including 3 families with children under 18.
Our main event every year is the exchange visit, but we also have an AGM in November, Christmas meal, and a social gathering along with the 3 Parks Challenge. We have a Committee which meets 4 times a year, and we try to have a social get together in months when nothing else is planned. This might be a meal out, a get together at someones house, a visit to the pub, a quiz or similar. We also socialise with other local twinning groups, many of which are also twinned with Breton towns. That means that there's usually something happening every month if you want to get fully involved - plus French lessons which run on a weekly basis when they're on. Most events are on a Monday night or a weekend.
Of course, if you don't want to be so involved, that's fine too, but if you come with us to France, there is an expectation that you will host on the return visit.
You do need to be based in the Llandeilo area, and to agree with our aims and objectives, which are as follows:
The aims of the Association are to promote social, cultural and educational links between the communities of Llandeilo and Le Conquet in Brittany, France. Specific objectives to achieve these aims are as follows:
a. To foster friendship and cultural understanding between the residents of Llandeilo and Le Conquet.
b. To organise an annual visit, alternating between Llandeilo and Le Conquet, for members of the Association.
c. To encourage additional visits by individuals and groups between the twin towns.
d. To facilitate visits for children and young people by the provision of bursaries to assist with travel costs.
e. To organise fund raising activities to assist with funding the other objectives.
If you want to read more, our Constitution is below